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  • Alicelash

COVID-19: Lash professionalism is now more important than ever

We all all well educated in the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact it is having on just about everything in our day to day lives.

To me, it is now more important than ever for the Lash Industry to improve standards in order to not only show our customers and clients how professional we are, but also now a much bigger issues... to save our lives and the lives of those around us whilst working and enjoying our lifestyles as best as we can.


When looking to book your first appointment back with your lash tech after the lock down is over, please make sure you ask about the measures they are taking to protect both you and themselves from COVID-19. It is really important and it is good to ask questions! Would you feel confident going there? Or would you send your mum or friends there? If not, or you are in doubt, maybe it is a great time to find another tech...

Whilst there are thousands of techs taking things really seriously and doing everything they can, there are sadly some lash techs out there who haven't changed the way they work and even have been doing lashes during the lock down! Not only is it unethical but it is really dangerous, plus they could find themselves in trouble with the law and their insurance provider.


Education, Education, Education! Continued learning is really important and is one of the main reasons why so many lash techs out there are providing poor level work... they haven't tried to learn any more lash stuff!

Its clear that from now on the beauty industry is going to be focused on the world of infection prevention, so I have made sure I've hit the books and now proudly have a number of certificates on display to show to my customers that I am super serious about providing top level AND safe work. I was anyway to be fair and I know you all knew that, but now I have the paperwork to prove it!

I have completed 4 relevant courses:

  • The Guild of Beauty Therapy COVID-19 Infection Prevention Training

  • Barbicide certificate to show dedication to Infection Prevention in the Salon

  • Barbicide COVID-19 Certification Course to show delivery of a safe service

  • Beauty Industry Approval Hygiene in the Workplace/Salon


I want want and like to show my customers that I'm doing as much as possible to keep safe and limit contact so thought it would be a good time to explain the steps I'm taking in order to continue offering treatments.

I have been taking PPE seriously for years and love wearing my mask! Originally I wore it because I didn't like breathing over my clients, but now it really is essential to every appointment, along with a range of other measures.

✅Sickness - if you are ill or been near anyone who feels bad, lets see each other another time! Please let me know prior to arriving if you have been tested positive for COVID-19 or if anyone in your household has tested positive or is showing symptoms. Please also let me know if you have been self isolating.

✅ Please arrive exactly on time. Not early, or late, just exactly to time. We are working our clients out so that there is only one client in reception at a time to maintain social distancing. I will be adding extra time between appointments to make sure there is absolutely no overlap, and it also allows me enough time to clean the surfaces and change the room (see more on that below).

✅No guests - sorry! Please do not bring friends, children or anyone else with you to the salon.

✅Please wash your hands before you leave home,on arrival at the salon and again on departure. I've been doing my research on this (see my previous post) and washing hands definitely has a longer lasting effect vs. hand gel on its own, the government and WHO recommend hand washing over hand gel too. Please you disposable paper towels to dry you hands with.

✅Double hand cleansing. I have been making extra sure my hands are thoroughly scrubbed in line with all training and NHS guidance before and after every client with soap and hot water, followed by a hearty dose of alcohol gel as a back up double whammy, if I keep dashing off it will be to wash my hands to keep the germs away.

✅Masks - As you know I have worn a mask for years because I don't like breathing over my clients and I feel much cleaner and more professional with it than without it. The filters in this masks are not enough to stop the virus entirely, but will stop a cast amount of it. I will continue to wear it, plus it also acts as a physical reminder and barrier for me to not touch my face.

✅Customer Masks - Please wear a mask to your appointment. A condition of the appointment will be that you now wear a mask for the duration of the appointment. I have disposable masks for sale at £0.50 each which you can take away with you.

✅Gloves. I have worn gloves for a while and much prefer it anyway, not only does it feel cleaner but I think I look way cooler and more professional too with those pink bad boys! Jokes aside, its the best barrier protection especially if I am washing, anti bac and then gloving.

✅Surface cleaning. Between every client I am wiping down all surfaces, bottles, switches, chairs, card readers, phones, door handles etc with surgical spirit or anti bac spray. You may find me following you out the door cleaning door handles, please don't be offended!

✅Single use items - as always I will continue to use single use products like disposable mascara wands, lipgloss wands, tissues and coach roll.

✅Dettol - all soft furnishings like pillows and beds are being steam cleaned and sprayed down with Dettol, then covered with couch roll. All blankets or towels are limited but when used are washed between clients at 60 degrees.

✅Face tissues & hair nets- I will be covering everyone's foreheads with tissues to minimise contact. This is also a good way to stop make up being transferred to my gloves. Hair nets will be used to keep the tissues in place.

✅Equipment sanitizing - I have 2 sets of tweezers in action at the moment so whilst one set is in use, the other is being deep soaked in Barbicide to ensure all equipment is thoroughly squeaky clean and lurg free.

✅Eye cover - again, to stop me from touching my face or eyes I will also be wearing eye protection or a visor to protect from any contamination. Thankfully you wont see me as your eyes will be shut!

👍We can do this!

See you at your next lash appointment, and if not keep well and recover quickly.❤️

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